Zee Café #IdolInTheMaking Promo

Received 3 million+ views on Zee Café's Instagram.

Client: Zee Café
Website: instagram.com
Contribution: 2D Animation | Motion Graphics | Video Editing
Illustrations: Aaron Pinto

The background

Your mirror knows you’re an #IdolInTheMaking. Now the world should know too!

#IdolInTheMaking was a singing contest initiated by Zee Café’s own, the American Idol show. It aimed to urge Indian audiences to record covers and upload them with the hashtag #IdolInTheMaking and participate.

Well, what was more? It could win them a ticket to Hollywood!

The product

A 40-second promo

A story of three individuals singing to their mirrors, emulating their idols, who we are all quite familiar with—Elvis, Bruno and MJ. The story was sketched out using animated sequences, driven by a fun narrative. The visual aesthetics comprised of black-outlined characters, filled with the classic American Idol red-blue palette.

My contribution

Bringing it to life

Built a stylised, snappy promo that appealed and engaged audiences at an extensive, nationwide level. Brought out the story through an impactful build-up of comic character animation sequences and quick, clever transitions.