A 3D Short Film

'Voilà, in Paradise' is a work-in-progress short film. It sketches a day from a city-boy's life, and how he traversed into a beatific realm, which was too good to be true!

Contribution: Script | Visualisation | Design Aesthetics | 3D Animation
Special Thanks to: Pritesh Kotian

The idea

 Living in a fast-growing urban jungle, the little eco-activist in me wondered of how much toll would this aggressive urbanisation be taking on the environment. Would this mean that one day, the sighting of a lush green rainforest only be a prelude in tales? Would there be fresh air to breathe at all? I coupled these curious feeds with my imagination, and ideated a story through a boy belonging to such an age ahead in time. A day from his life, which seemingly was confined to his room, well within the two doors.

The story

Growing up in busy city, Brian spent most of his time indoors in his apartment with his little pet dog, Yellow. He passed his time, mostly in two dimension, watching television, or looking down the window of his room. The view from which wasn’t a very fascinating one – a road full of congestion, noises that were anything but pleasant, and layers of cloudy smoke. A three dimensional world construed amid the two doors of this room – one led to the din of the city, the other to this beatific realm, which was too good to be true.

The product

This is a work in progress, and currently in the production phase. An animated short film, where the story unfolds to reveal two contrasting environments – one, actual and the other, virtual. The visual treatment for the first aspect would be dim and murky, while for the second aspect, bright and colourful, thus bringing out the contrasting scenarios. A stylised look-and-feel and a cartoony, exaggerated animation style would be used to create an effective viewer engagement.